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Greensboro Vol. Fire Co. 116 North Main Street P.O. Box 307 Greensboro, MD. 21639

(410) 482-8420

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AR15 Raffle
Saturday, October 16, 2021

We are excited to be raffling off a REK firearms AR15 .223/.556.Raffle Includes 1 REK AR15, 1 SIG Romeo Red Dot, 100 Rounds of ammo, and a carrying case, Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased online or from any member.

Drawing will be 12-30-2021 at 7pm

***If you are out of Maryland and wish to enter, you are more than welcome to, however please know your state's gun laws. You will be responsible for pickup and or any cost associated with shipping to your FFL.***

If winner is unable to pass background check or chooses to prize can be exchanged for cash value.

Prize must be picked up at REK firearms Cambridge Md.

***must be 18 to enter***

Thank you for the support!

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